With the power of nature

Als Pionierin der Windenergie und unabhängiges, inhabergeführtes Berliner Unternehmen, entwickeln, betreiben und finanzieren wir seit über 25 Jahren regionale Windenergie- und Photovoltaikprojekte.
Hierbei setzen wir mit unserem Rundum-Sorglos Angebot und unserem zuverlässigen Netzwerk aus Partnerschaften auf maximale CO₂-Vermeidung.
Our offer
Wir begleiten euer Wind- oder Photovoltaikprojekt von der Idee bis zur Inbetriebnahme und sorgen für die sorgfältige Planung und Umsetzung aller Bauphasen. Wir garantieren effiziente Abläufe und eine termingerechte Fertigstellung – für eine nachhaltige und zukunftssichere Energieversorgung. 

As a partner for all phases of project development, we stand for quality, innovation and sustainable success. Our holistic approach takes technical, ecological and social aspects into account. For example, we work closely with communityn and regional partnerships together to create maximum benefit for everyone involved – including for the energy transition.

We offer comprehensive services from from site selection to implementation. Our experienced team takes care of the detailed planning, coordinates all approval procedures and ensures seamless integration into the electricity grid. By working closely with local partnerships and communities, we ensure that each project is not only technically, but also economically and environmentally sustainable.

With our technical and commercial management of wind farms and solar parks through our subsidiary Windpunx we guarantee smooth operation of the plants. We ensure maximum availability and performance through proactive maintenance and continuous monitoring. In this way we can adapt our work to the individual requirements of each project.

With repowering we bring existing wind farms up to the state of the art. Through the exchange old Byreplacing old turbines with modern, more efficient turbines, we significantly increase energy generation, improve efficiency and extend the service life of the project.

We see it as our task to address the fears and concerns of citizens seriously and reduce them through transparent information and personal discussions. Whether at city festivals, city council meetings or information events – we are there to explain our projects and raise awareness of the benefits of renewable energies.

Range of services
Evaluate space potential now
Wir realisieren Erneuerbare Energieprojekte auf deiner Fläche. Dafür prüfen wir im ersten Schritt, ob sich die Fläche für dein geplantes Projekt eignet und mit was für einem ökologischem und wirtschaftlichem Ertrag du rechnen kannst.
For area valuation
Where we stand
By driving forward the energy transition and continuing to provide clean electricity in the future, we can lower CO₂ emissions and significantly reduce our ecological footprint. Today and in the future, this is our most important goal.
Wind turbines developed with our partnerships since 1999
People are supplied with clean electricity*
million tons of CO₂ avoided since 1997
How we work
Project development, plant operation and operational management – everything from a single source.

Examination of the fundamental feasibility of a project.

Site selection (analysis of potential areas / potential area)

  • Determination of the potential area taking into account the state-specific requirements (regional plans, wind priority areas, privileged areas, etc.)
  • Selection of a suitable location based on wind and sun conditions, access infrastructure and environmental conditions

Area protection

Securing the land used or required for the construction and operation of the projects (with the exception of the land required for the cable route, the transformer station and the grid connection point)

Earnings forecast

Calculation of expected revenue from the sale of generated electricity based on energy forecasts and feed-in tariffs or power purchase agreements (PPAs).

  • Environmental impact assessment (EIA): Conducting studies to assess the environmental impact of the project.
  • Obtaining permits: Applying for and obtaining all necessary permits and licenses from local, regional and national authorities.

As soon as all approvals have been granted, invitations to tender and contract awards are issued.

  • Tendering: Selection of suppliers and service providers for the delivery of wind turbines, construction services and other required components.
  • Contract award: Conclusion of contracts with the selected companies.
  • Financing plan: Preparation of a detailed financing plan and securing of financing.
  • Development of participation models for the involvement of municipalities and citizens.
  • Development: Construction of access roads and foundations.
  • Delivery and installation: Delivery and installation of the wind turbines, including transportation of the individual components (rotor blades, tower segments, nacelles) and delivery and installation of the solar modules and inverters.
  • Grid connection: Construction of the necessary infrastructure for connection to the electricity grid, including substations and cable routes.

After various test runs and acceptance of the systems, they are put into operation.

  • Power generation
  • Regular operation: Monitoring and control of the systems during operation.
  • Maintenance and service: Regular maintenance and servicing of the systems to ensure smooth operation.
  • Completion of agreed compensatory measures
Der Fokus auf Erneuerbare Energien ist eine bewusste und strategische Entscheidung, um einerseits unserer DNA gerecht zu werden und andererseits unsere Position in einem Markt zu stärken, der nicht nur wirtschaftlich, sondern auch gesellschaftlich und ökologisch von großer Bedeutung ist.
Carsten Paatsch, Founder & CEO Saxovent
Our memberships
German Solar Industry Association
We have been a member of the German Solar Industry Association since 2018
Zur Website
German Wind Energy Association
We are involved in the planning, financing and marketing advisory board of one of the world’s largest renewable energy associations
Zur Website
w.one (women of new energies) e.V.
Since 2024, we have been part of the w.one network, which connects women from the renewable energy sector
Zur Website
Network of Young Mayors of the Federal Republic of Germany e.V.
I have been a sponsoring member of the NJB since 2024 and we are committed to strengthening the reputation and visibility of local politics as a cornerstone of democracy
Zur Website
All news

* SAXOVENT war in der Entwicklung dieser Projekte in verschiedenen Projektierungstiefen beteiligt bis hin zum eigenen Betrieb der Anlagen als IPP (Independent Power Producer).

Die erwartete Energieerzeugung aus Anlagen, die SAXOVENT entwickelt hat, wird anhand ihrer installierten Nennleistung und einer durchschnittlichen Volllaststundenzahl geschätzt, unabhängig vom Eigentumsanteil SAXOVENTs. Der durchschnittliche Haushaltsstromverbrauch einer Person betrug 1.613 kWh im Jahr 2022 (Eurostat).

Die potenziell vermiedenen Treibhausgasemissionen ermitteln sich aus der erzeugten Strommenge und dem sogenannten „Netto-Vermeidungsfaktor“. Dieser gibt an, wieviel CO2-Äquivalente – unter Be­rück­sich­tigung der Vor­ketten – durch Wind­energie pro erzeugter Kilowattstunde ver­mieden werden. Grund­lage der Be­rech­nung ist der vom Bundesumweltamt herausgegebene Bericht „Emissionsbilanz erneuerbarer Energieträger. Bestimmung der vermiedenen Emissionen im Jahr 2022“. Der Netto-Vermeidungsfaktor beträgt 758 g CO2-Äq./kWh für das Jahr 2022.