Kunow, Brandenburg

Our latest plant is currently under construction in the community of Gumtow, in the district of Groß Welle, on the border of the district of Kunow.

Our 400th plant is located in Kunow

A new Vestas V150 wind turbine with a nominal electrical output of 6.0 has been installed at Groß Welle. The plant is expected to produce around 14 million kilowatt hours of electricity per year at the site.

The turbine has a hub height of 169 metres above ground and a total height of 244 metres.

Over its entire service life, it will save around 111,100 tons of CO₂ and supply 8,700 people with clean electricity every year.

Name plate Capcity in megawatts
Tonnes of CO₂ avoided over the entire service life
People supplied with electricity each year
Wind turbine
Wind turbine

A system with a name plate capacity of 6MW


The plant will supply around 8,700 people with electricity per year

CO₂ avoidance
CO₂ avoidance

111,100 in tons over the entire service life

Hub height
Hub height


Start of construction
Start of construction

Winter 2023/2024


September 2024

Reifferscheid, Rhineland-Palatinate

We are planning to build five wind turbines in Reifferscheid, one of the highest locations in the Hocheifel region.

Neraly one million kWh of electricity for almost 56,000 people

Five Vestas V 150 wind turbines are to be installed and operated at the Reifferscheid site. The new wind turbines each have a name plate capacity of 6.0 MW and are expected to generate 18,000,000 kWh of electricity per year at the site.

Over their entire service life, they will save almost 600,000 tonnes of CO₂ and supply 56,000 people with clean electricity every year.

Megawatt total capacity
Tonnes of CO₂ avoided over the entire service life
People supplied with electricity each year
Wind turbine
Wind turbine

Five turbines with a total capacity of 30 MW

CO₂ avoidance
CO₂ avoidance

590,700 in tons over the entire service life


The plant will supply electricity to around 55,800 people per year.


Vestas V150

Wind farm Groß Welle, Brandenburg

In the municipality of Gumtow, in the district of Groß Welle in the Prignitz region, we plan to replace two existing wind turbines with two new ones.

Repowering, means two more powerful turbines for Groß Welle wind farm

We are planning to replace two existing 2.0 MW Vestas V90 wind turbines at Groß Welle in the Prignitz district with two more powerful 6.0 MW Vestas V150 wind turbines. The turbines are expected to generate approximately 13 million kWh of electricity per year at the site. The proposed turbines are part of a 41-turbine wind farm. Four additional turbines have already been approved.

Over their entire service life, they will save approximately 188,500 tons of CO₂ and provide clean electricity to approximately 16,000 people each year.

Megawatt total capacity
Tonnes of CO₂ avoided over the entire lifespan
People who are supplied with electricity each year
Wind turbine
Wind turbine

Two turbines with a total capacity of 12 MW

CO₂ avoidance
CO₂ avoidance

188,500 tons over the entire lifespan


The plant will provide electricity to approximately 16,100 people per year


Vestas V150

Struth, Rhineland-Palatinate

We plan to build four turbines in the municipalities of Pomster and Bauler in the Ahrweiler district.

One of the most modern turbines for Struth – the Vestas V 172

It is planned to install and operate four Vestas V 172 wind turbines at the Struth site. Each turbine has a nominal output of 7.2 MW and will generate 19,300,000 kWh of electricity per year at the site. The Vestas V172-7.2 MW is one of the most advanced wind turbines designed for low to medium wind speed sites.

The project has been in the permitting process since 2024. The application for the first four turbines was submitted in September.

Over their entire service life, they will save approximately 456,100 tons of CO₂ and provide clean electricity to 47,800 people each year.

Megawatt total capacity
Tonnes of CO₂ avoided over the entire service life
People supplied with electricity each year
Wind turbine
Wind turbine

Four turbines with a total nominal output of 28.8 MW

CO₂ avoidance
CO₂ avoidance

456,100 tons over the entire service life


The plant will provide electricity to approximately 47,800 people per year.


Vestas V172