Climate protection is active nature conservation

Achieving the 1.5°C goal of the Paris Agreement means preserving valuable biodiversity. Renewable energy has a crucial role to play in replacing fossil fuels and protecting habitats for future generations.

Our mission: climate protection

Our goal is to stop climate change and actively contribute to climate neutrality. We do this by generating green electricity from the natural power of the wind and sun to reduce the use of fossil fuels.

We take a holistic approach to climate change and are involved in other sectors as well. Our investments in the construction and agriculture sectors help to decarbonise them.


The use of renewable energy contributes to the gradual replacement of coal, gas and oil, benefiting the climate and conserving vital resources such as water and soil.

Consume less – do more

In our day-to-day work, less is more. At least when it comes to our own carbon footprint. Thanks to a largely paperless office and an intelligent heating system, we save waste, energy and, ultimately, CO2.

We have also significantly reduced greenhouse gas emissions from our vehicle fleet in recent years by reducing mileage and switching to more efficient and electric vehicles.

We report our progress on climate change in our annual Climate & Impact Report.


Biodiversity and ecosystems

Some 20 to 30 percent of all animal and plant species are threatened with extinction due to climate change. If we do not succeed in limiting global warming by cutting CO2 emissions, we will not only lose biodiversity but also exacerbate climate change. Only intact ecosystems can store enough CO2.

By generating renewable energy, we are doing our bit every day to combat the climate crisis and the biodiversity crisis. The gradual phase-out of coal-fired electricity means that coal mining, with its massive environmental impact, will soon be a relic of the past.


Minimization of negative environmental impacts

We are aware of the potential negative impacts of our activities and work continuously to minimise them. This includes avoiding soil sealing, reducing impacts on habitats and avoiding noise and light pollution. Our aim is to have a positive impact on the environment and improve the quality of life for present and future generations through sustainable practices and innovative solutions.

Where interventions are unavoidable, we rely on compensatory measures such as unsealing areas and relocating affected species. By creating new, higher quality ecosystems and reforestation projects, we help to conserve biodiversity.

Our responsibility

Saxovent is actively driving forward the energy transition. The “Climate Return” shows us the way: Because all our projects must not only be economical, but also make the greatest possible positive contribution to the environment and society.

Every euro we invest contributes to climate protection. In this way, we increase the positive contribution of our entire portfolio with every new investment.
How we make an impact
The climate crisis permeates all areas of society, which means that our commitment to positive change is inextricably linked to our vision.
Our social commitment
Climate protection is nature conservation. By saving fossil fuels, renewable energies contribute to climate protection and preserve valuable habitats.
For a good climate
Our sustainability report