Good people, good ideas and good money for a good climate

As a pioneer in wind energy and an independent, owner-managed investment company, we develop and finance solutions for the challenges of climate change. With our range of renewable energies and our global partnerships, we are focusing on maximum CO2 avoidance.

Our vision is to work with other people and organizations to create a positive awareness for a life that is close to nature, socially responsible and adapted to climate change. By using new technologies, we make it possible to live in harmony with nature. In addition to climate protection, we are developing the promotion of education and the strengthening of rural areas into fixed components of Saxovent’s DNA.

Our manifesto

Our mission is to tackle climate change in a visionary way through collaboration, investment and the exchange of ideas. We are actively committed to international climate protection by networking globally and engaging and anchoring ourselves locally. By focusing on an open corporate culture, we promote collaborative and interdisciplinary work that is in harmony with diverse lifestyles.

Every investment and every project is checked for its impact on the climate. For us, everything we do must generate a positive, measurable social and environmental impact in addition to a financial return and contribute to our vision.

Our attitude is characterized by openness, a sense of responsibility and continuous development. We firmly believe in the values of authenticity, honesty and mutual respect, which form the foundation of our collaboration. We place the team above individual ambitions and create an environment in which conflicts can be resolved constructively. We encourage you to recognize and pursue opportunities and offer space for creative ideas and constructive feedback. We see mistakes as learning opportunities and strive a culture of agility and adaptability. Saxovent thrives on an atmosphere of continuous learning in which we support each other to grow personally and professionally. We actively welcome innovation and the use of new technologies and always strive for progress and development.

Our culture

At Saxovent, we pride ourselves on creating a working environment that is characterized by strong values and a clear attitude. We believe in encouraging personal responsibility and initiative, coupled with a willingness to continuously learn and grow. There is room for creativity, courage and agility in our way of working, while at the same time we create an environment characterized by openness, team spirit and support.

Discover our culture compass
Creating value together and protecting the climate

Saxovent is the go-to address for value-oriented people and companies who want to make an active contribution to climate protection. Maintaining and creating a good climate is only possible together. For us, partnerships do not stop at the borders of our organization. Do you have an idea or a project that has a positive impact on the climate? Talk to us!

Contact us
Our history

Saxovent can look back on a successful company history of over 25 years. Founded in Berlin in 1997, our investment company is still 100% owner-managed today. We are active in the field of renewable energies and have always relied on an international and regional network and strong partnerships. With the strength of this network and our team of diverse talents, we work every day for a good climate and a future worth living.

  • Saxovent was founded in 1997 by Carsten Paatsch plus partner, directly after his mechanical engineering studies. The first project co-operations in the areas of project development and financing were formed during the founding years.
  • The first 6 wind turbines were realized with a total installed capacity of 3 megawatts (MW)
  • Thüringen and Brandenburg were the home of our first projects
  • Saxovent has developed 61 wind turbines with a total output of 80 MW in partnership
  • The projects were implemented in the focus areas of Saxony-Anhalt, Lower Saxony and Brandenburg
  • Expansion of business to Eastern Europe (29 wind turbines) and market entry in France in partnership with H2air (21 windturbines)
  • A further 238 turbines with a total output of 484 MW are realized in Germany
  • The wind farm Neu Kosenow is being built and becomes the largest of our company in Germany in 2011 and 2012 with 30 turbines.

Milestone: By the end of 2014, we realized 355 wind turbines with a total output of 669 MW in 4 countries together with over 20 partnerships

  • Realization of further wind farms
  • Expansion of all self-operated plants to over 180 MW (IPP business)
  • Foundation WindPunx as a 100% subsidiary for commercial and technical operations management
  • Expansion of activities in three new areas relevant to climate protection: solar, real estate and agriculture
  • Market entry in the USA in 2019 in partnership with Ironwood
  • Foundation of Powerbude as a 100% subsidiary for space acquisition in northern Germany
  • Introduction of sustainability reporting and calculation of impact targets
  • Construction of the 400. wind turbine, Kunow wind farm

Milestone: The 400 wind turbines developed together with our partnerships supply over 900,000 people with clean electricity and save more than 1 million tons of CO2 every year

Our management team
Carsten Paatsch
Founder & Co-CEO
Dominik Winau
Birte Wagener
Thorsten Freise