Press release from July 25, 2024

Saxovent focuses on investments and core business in renewable energy.

Luftaufnahme des Unternehmens timpla in Eberswalde

Investments in medium-sized companies in the field of clean energy supply are moving into the investment focus

Berlin, 25. July 2024The Saxovent Smart Eco Investments GmbH announces that they focus more strongly on its core business in the field of renewable energies. As part of a comprehensive consolidation, the company has decided to discontinue its project development activities in the real estate sector, but will continue to invest in exciting projects in its role as an impact investor.

Our decision to divest from the real estate project development sector is part of a strategic realignment, allowing us to focus our commitment and resources more intensively on the growth market of renewable energy.

Carsten Paatsch – Founder and CEO

Saxovent sees itself as a company that enables, validates and manages clean energy supply and technological innovations for a climate-friendly future through its investments in medium-sized companies. This core expertise is now being increasingly focussed on the renewable energy sector.

The focus on renewable energy is a deliberate and strategic decision, aimed at staying true to our core values, while strengthening our position in a market that is not only economically but also socially and environmentally significant.

Carsten Paatsch – Founder and CEO
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